paintings of children playing

Children Playing Paintings

Shop for action paintings of children playing games and sports direct from artist studio online below or in person at Koehler Art Studio Gallery. Kids sports art includes watercolor, acrylic and oil paintings of children skating, skateboarding, snowboarding, swimming, tobogganing, children playing baseball, soccer, basketball, street hockey, roller blading, and skating on inline skates. Action pictures of children playing include summer paintings of kids running with a little red wagon, children playing in the park, swinging on tire swings and jumping into a lake from a rope swing. There are paintings of kids building a treehouse, boys fishing, girls playing dressup, children playing with dogs and teddy bears, children selling lemonade from a sidewalk lemonade stand. There are paintings of children playing in the snow in winter, making snow angels, sledding on snow saucers and throwing snowballs from snow forts by artist


Tap thumbnail images below to ENLARGE.
Artist comments, prices of original painting and prints are listed below the ENLARGED image.

painting of boys with little red wagon
Image 4-1
Fire Brigade
painting of girls playing on a tire swing
Image 4-2
After School
painting of boys building a tree house
Image 4-3
Pirate Fort
painting of boys jumping into lake
Image 4-4
Summer Memories
painting of boy playing baseball
Image 4-5
painting of children playing baseball
Image 4-7
On The Bench
painting of boys on skateboards
Image 4-8
Blasting Boarders
painting of child with dog
Image 4-10
Where The Boys Are
painting of girls mailing a letter to grandma
Image 4-11
Grandma's Letter
painting of girls playing dress-up selling lemonade
Image 4-12
Lemonade Ladies
painting of boys on snowboards
Image 4-13
Snowboard Psyched
painting of boys fishing by creek waterfall
Image 4-14
Making Memories
painting of kids tobogganing with dog
Image 4-15
Toboggan Terrors
painting of children on tire swing
Image 4-17
Freedom Chains
painting of children skating
Image 4-20
The Domino Effect
paintings of children playing sports
Image 4-21
Slugger And Kicker
street hockey painting
Image 4-22
Street Legal
painting of children making snowman
Image 4-23
children playing basketball painting
Image 4-24
Slam Dunkin Dog
children skating on inline skates
Image 4-25
Break Away
painting of children playing on dragon beach
Image 4-26
Dragon Castle
painting of children playing in snow
Image 4-27
Snow Angels
painting of children sledding in snow
Image 4-28
Sizzling Saucers
painting of boys playing in treehouse
Image 4-30
Treehouse Magic
little girl mailing a letter
Image 4-31
Letter For Nanna
painting of boy with puppy in barn
Image 4-32
The Dilemma


"My love for action and fascination with capturing a flash of movement in a motionless art form should be evident in my action paintings of children playing. Contemporary portraiture, like today's lifestyle, is becoming less formal and rigid. I prefer to paint a child in a natural unpretentious composition, focusing on details of a focal point of the subject and blurring the background to create the illusion of movement. Impressionistic backgrounds and the realistic detailed images of the children create the feeling of movement in my informal portraits."

Contemporary action paintings can easily be captured in natural composition with the aid of photography. Today's digital photography makes it feasible for an artist to take hundreds of shots of a particular action in different settings under different lighting conditions. Even given hundreds of choices of which action to paint, 99% of the time I will still combine elements from at least two or more photos to produce the effect that I am looking for. Often I find the action perfect in one photo, the light fantastic in another, the dangling shoelace amazing in a third, the windswept hair awesome in a forth. The challenge is to combine all of these elements into one painting, making it look natural, realistic and exciting.

With the aid of modern technology, today's artist can paint action-packed detailed images from photographs to produce contemporary realistic and informal portraits and action paintings. A child's portrait is more likely to evoke happy memories if the subject is engaged in a favorite activity in natural surroundings. To be clear, I only use photographs as reference material for my original paintings, often producing detailed pencil drawings on the canvas before I paint. My action portraits are hand-painted original paintings done by looking at photographs of the subject in action as if it were frozen in time in my studio. They are NOT painted over top of a mechanically reproduced photograph."